How to Upload Sermon Audio for Podcasting

This tutorial will teach you how to upload an audio file to our Amazon S3 account in order to make it available to be included in a campus iTunes Podcast.

  1. Login to Amazon Web Services (AWS) at (note: this isn’t a website address you’ll find anywhere else. It’s specific to New Song so bookmark it.)
  2. From the AWS dashboard select S3 in the Storage and Content Delivery section.
  3. Select newsongsermons from the list of buckets.
  4. Select your campus folder.
  5. Select the year folder.
  6. Click the blue Upload button and follow the prompts to finish uploading your audio file.

File Naming Convention

It’s important for organizational reasons that we all use the same naming conventions for the files being uploaded. Please rename your files before uploading.

The generic format is: year month day-campus abbreviation-sermon title.mp3

A real life example would be: 20141221-ih-gods-power.mp3

The date should be the date the sermon was preached, not the date you created the file, uploaded the file, etc.